Jiapu Yan

ImagingLab@ZJU. (The page of our lab is under construction, sry)


State Key Laboratory of Extreme Photonics and Instrumentation, Zhejiang Univerity, Hangzhou, China
yanjiapu@zju.edu.cn, yjp7@foxmail.com
Google scholar | Github

I received B.Eng. degree in optoelectronic information science and engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2021.

Presently, I am a PhD Student at Zhejiang University, co-advised by Prof. Zhihai Xu and Prof. Huajun Feng. My research direction centers on the synergy of advanced optical zooming systems and computer vision, with the aim of exploring diverse potential application domains.

Research interest: Computational Photography, Deep Learning, Low-level Computer Vision, Optical Zooming System and Advanced Imaging Devices.